How do you multiply money on Snapchat?



Snapchat is a medium underestimated by most users. Amateurs often think that it is not a good place to make money – after all, it is used to share pictures for a very short time. And yet – the best Polish Snapchatters earn the equivalent of the national average for one 30-second video that will not last long on the portal. How can you earn money on Snapchat?

  1. Remember to give your location. Snapchat distinguishes Stories in two categories – Discover and Live. However, Live will only be available to you when you add your geolocation. Many people do not want to give their location data to the application, but with Snapchat it not only affects the range, but also the possibility of recommendation in the Live category. And it is good to do it – such free advertising can expand the audience by several times!
  2. Address young people. The vast majority of Snapchat users are 15-24 years old. This does not mean that older people do not use this application at all, but it is definitely not a medium for people over forty. If you want to create for mature people, consider Facebook, Twitter or even Instagram.
  3. Stream videos from popular public events, parties, meetings. Remember, however, to check each time that the organiser consents to recording and making the event public. Such a strategy is the best way to boost your chances of finding yourself in the Live category.
  4. Create a personal brand. Snapchat is a very personal medium, mainly intended for private individuals. Your recipients would like to get to know you personally through pictures or films, so the content should not be impersonal. It is worth posting something private from time to time, but you should set boundaries. When a profile becomes too personal, fewer people will want to follow it.
  5. Don’t be afraid to post niche content. It is important, however, that it does not prevail on the channel. Finding your own niche may help you to be remembered, build a dedicated fan base, but most audiences will leave if you only publish content that is attractive to a narrow audience.
  6. Play with time. Offer discounts that disappear after a minute, coupons valid only for one hour, time-limited offers. Everything that comes to Snapchat lives very short – this rule should also apply to coupons and discounts. Users are already used to this approach, but they still feel the pressure to make maximum use of their tools. For this reason, they are more likely to take advantage of expiring offers.

According to specialists, Snapchat’s social media market share may increase significantly in the coming years. Therefore, it is already worth taking care of the recipient base, cooperation with brands and positive reception on this service. Perhaps in the future, Snapchat celebrities’ earnings will exceed those for promotions on Instagram.


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