Content marketing stands for all the activities aimed at raising brand awareness among consumers. Higher awareness translates into increased interest, which in turn translates into the number of products and services sold. But what should effective content marketing look like? Here are a few tips:
1. Start by making a plan. Beginner investors associate content marketing primarily with blogging. This is not a misconception; however, an effective content marketing strategy is not only focused on blogging. Publishing content on a blog should only be a part of a larger plan.
2. Focus on evergreen content. “Evergreen” is a standard term for content that does not age, as opposed to real-time marketing, which stands for publishing content or campaigns relating only to current events. Good marketing content is dominated by evergreen content, i.e. content that will generate website visits regardless of the passing of time.
3. Optimise content for search engines but write it for users. Good content optimisation can multiply the number of entries, but if it doesn’t add value for the reader, you won’t even notice it. After all, two times zero still equals zero.
4. Publish long articles. Content of more than one and a half thousand words is indexed by browsers much higher than shorter articles. Frequent publishing of short pieces is therefore no longer such a guarantee of success as it was a few years ago.
5. Create content that can be easily shared. Articles such as “10 Ways to…”, short videos with cooking tips or DIY may not look particularly unique, but they click and share well. Of course, you should write about the area where your brand is positioned without creating a chaotic mishmash of the most popular content.
6. Pay attention to text formatting. The font should be large and clear, important parts of the text should be bold, and the content itself should be divided into paragraphs marked with headings or subsections. This is especially important for long articles. Don’t be afraid to introduce photos or videos.
7. Publish content regularly. Publishing articles on a particular day of the week will win you more returning readers than publishing them without a plan. Additionally, a rigid schedule allows for more efficient planning of work and brand strategy.
8. Keep an eye on the competition. Your task is to create content that is more interesting and more engaging than that of your competitors. Never copy ideas from your competition unless you’re sure you’ll use them much more ingeniously.
9. Invest in social media promotion. For example, if you publish a brand-new backend blog, it is unlikely that you will get a satisfactory number of hits if you don’t promote it.
10. Group your content into clear categories. The recipient should be able to easily move around your pages/channels and have easy access to articles similar to the one he has just read.
11. Don’t be afraid to change your strategy if it doesn’t work. When, despite your efforts, the number of hits decreases or stands still, it may be worth giving up on your existing strategies to try to find something else.
12. Content marketing is a long-term investment. Don’t expect quick results – your actions will require time and sometimes extra money. However, if you have chosen a good strategy, any activities will pay off because popular content, if it continues to be developed, rarely loses interest within a short period of time. Finally, the interest of your subscribers will begin to translate into the purchases of products or services provided by your brand.
In the context of content marketing, it is also worth remembering that you don’t have to create all this content yourself – the vast majority of even small companies outsource marketing tasks. However, micro-entrepreneurs and investors often run their social media or blogs on their own, which is not only a cheaper option but also gives these channels the impression of genuine commitment.